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Monday, October 31, 2011

Methods of Hair Restoration for Men

Genetics is the main cause of hair loss in men. This type of hair loss known as male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia accounts for about 95% of all balding men. Other causes for baldness in men causes are stress and side effects of drugs and chemotherapy. Advances in medicinal and surgical procedures, especially in the last two decades, permitted the development of a long lasting and satisfying cure for this age-old problem in men. Certainly, there are a multitude of hair loss miracle cures being advertised all around various media such as in print, TV and the internet. But almost all of these are just pure hype and no juice at all. However, there are certified medical procedures and treatments that guarantee hair restoration for men. They are namely:

Hair restoration Surgery

Hair surgery or hair transplantation is an operation where donor dominant hairs from the back of the head and fringes of the scalp are transplanted to the balding spot. This is a meticulous procedure especially during its early practice where corn rows and plug technique was used. But with technological advances it is now possible to graft variably sized patches of hair grafts from donor sites and transplant them to the bald spots in the head. Donor dominant hairs are carefully identified and selected by the hair transplant surgeon because they are the ones who have the capacity to grow throughout even when transplanted. Before, many balding men who sought for this surgical procedure were turned down because of the limited capacity of the surgical techniques available at that time to properly adders the patients problem especially if the baldness already progressive. But now, hair surgeons can properly address the problems with advancement in technology and grafting techniques.

Hair restoration treatments

Restoration treatment solutions and creams flood the market as demand for these kinds of products never waned because of the ever-increasing problem in male pattern alopecia in men. Indeed, hair restoration for men became a multi-million enterprise for the past decade with all the products trumpeting their miraculous effect. But in reality there are only two hair loss treatments that are certified and clinically proven to successfully cure male pattern baldness in varying degrees. They are Finasteride and Minoxidil, which are the generic ingredients responsible for restoration of hair found in various FDA-approved commercial restoration products in the market.

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