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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Hair Restoration 3 Months Post-Op – What To Expect

3 months post hair transplant HairTransplants
3 months post hair transplant HairTransplants from

Hair restoration surgery is a common procedure that many people undergo to restore their hair, or to improve its volume and thickness. However, once the surgery is complete, the recovery process is only just beginning. It takes time for the hair follicles to start growing and the results may not be immediately visible. So, what can you expect to see three months post-op?

Post-Op Hair Restoration Care

The most important thing to remember after hair restoration surgery is that you must take care of your scalp. This means avoiding any activities that could cause irritation or trauma to the scalp, such as vigorous exercise, swimming, or styling the hair with heat. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions for post-operative care, which may include avoiding direct sunlight, avoiding harsh soaps and shampoos, and avoiding tight hats or other items that could put pressure on the scalp.

Hair Growth

At three months post-op, you may start to see some hair growth. The follicles that were transplanted will start to grow, but it can take up to a year for the results to be fully visible. It is important to keep in mind that the hair that grows in may not look the same as the hair that was lost. Hair transplantation surgery does not replace the hair that was lost, but rather creates a new hairline that is thicker and fuller.

Hair Loss

It is also normal to experience some hair loss at three months post-op. This is due to the shock to the scalp caused by the surgery. The hair follicles may go into a resting stage and stop growing for a while. This is a normal part of the healing process and the hair will start to grow back in time. It is important to be patient and not worry about the temporary hair loss.

Texture and Color Changes

It is also common for the hair to change in texture and color at three months post-op. The hair may become thicker and coarser than before, or it may take on a new color. This is because the transplanted hair follicles are adjusting to the new environment of the scalp. These changes should be temporary and should eventually resolve.


At three months post-op, you may start to see some scarring. The scarring should be minimal and should be barely visible. It varies from patient to patient and is dependent on the type of hair restoration procedure that was performed. Most of the scarring should fade with time, but if it is still visible after a year, you may want to consider having it treated by a dermatologist.

Swelling and Sensitivity

It is normal to experience some swelling and sensitivity at three months post-op. The scalp may be tender and may feel itchy or tight. You may also experience some numbness in the area, which is nothing to worry about. The swelling should subside over time, but if it persists, it is important to speak to your doctor.

Final Thoughts

At three months post-op, you may start to see some hair growth and changes in the texture and color of your hair. It is also normal to experience some hair loss, scarring, swelling, and sensitivity. All of these changes should be temporary and should resolve in time. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions for post-operative care and to be patient during the recovery process.


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