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Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Benefits Of Hair Transplant 800 Grafts In 2023

ASMED Hair Transplant Results Gallery Norwood 3 Dr Koray Erdogan
ASMED Hair Transplant Results Gallery Norwood 3 Dr Koray Erdogan from

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a procedure in which healthy and active hair follicles from a donor area are taken and implanted in the bald area of the scalp. Hair transplant is considered a permanent solution to baldness, since the transplanted hair is genetically programmed to grow for life. The process of hair transplantation involves placing healthy hair follicles in the bald area of the scalp, with the aim of restoring the natural look of the hair. In 2023, hair transplant with 800 grafts is one of the most popular choices for those who want to improve their looks and regain their confidence.

What is Hair Transplant 800 Grafts?

Hair transplant 800 grafts is a procedure in which 800 individual hair follicles are transplanted to the bald area of the scalp. The procedure is mainly used to treat male pattern baldness, but can also be used to restore hair growth in other areas of the scalp. The procedure involves taking healthy hair follicles from a donor area, which is usually the back of the head, and placing them in the bald area of the scalp. This is done using a special technique called follicular unit extraction (FUE). The hair follicles are then implanted into the scalp, and over time will grow into healthy, natural looking hair.

Benefits of Hair Transplant 800 Grafts

Hair transplant 800 grafts is a great option for those who want to improve their appearance and regain their confidence. The procedure is relatively simple and can be completed in a single session. The results are also permanent, so you can be assured that your hair will continue to grow for life. Additionally, the procedure is minimally invasive, meaning there is no need for stitches or any other type of scarring. The recovery time is also relatively short, with most patients able to return to their normal activities within a few days of the procedure.

What to Expect During Hair Transplant 800 Grafts?

Hair transplant 800 grafts is a relatively simple procedure that can be completed in a single session. During the procedure, the surgeon will harvest healthy hair follicles from the donor area, usually the back of the head. These follicles will then be carefully placed in the bald area of the scalp. The entire process usually takes around 3-4 hours, depending on the size of the area to be treated. Once the procedure is complete, the patient is usually able to return to their normal activities within a few days.

Side Effects of Hair Transplant 800 Grafts

As with any medical procedure, there are some risks associated with hair transplant 800 grafts. The most common side effects include swelling and redness of the scalp, which can last for a few days. Other side effects include itching, bleeding, and infection. In rare cases, some people may experience shock loss, where the transplanted hair falls out within the first few months after the procedure. In most cases, these side effects are minor and will subside on their own without any need for medical intervention.

Recovery After Hair Transplant 800 Grafts

The recovery process after a hair transplant 800 grafts procedure is relatively short. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a few days of the procedure. However, it is important to follow your doctor’s post-procedure instructions, as this will help ensure the best possible outcome. During the recovery period, it is important to avoid any strenuous activity, as this can cause unnecessary stress on the scalp. Additionally, it is important to protect the scalp from the sun by wearing a hat or scarf.

Cost of Hair Transplant 800 Grafts

The cost of hair transplant 800 grafts can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size of the area to be treated and the number of grafts needed. Generally, the cost of a hair transplant 800 grafts is around $7,500-$10,000, although this can vary from clinic to clinic. It is important to research different clinics to find the best option for you. Additionally, some clinics may offer payment plans or financing options, so it is worth asking about these if you are concerned about the cost.


Hair transplant 800 grafts is a popular choice for those who want to improve their appearance and regain their confidence. The procedure is relatively simple and can be completed in a single session. The results are also permanent, so you can be assured that your hair will continue to grow for life. Additionally, the procedure is minimally invasive, meaning there is no need for stitches or any other type of scarring. The cost of the procedure can vary, but is generally around $7,500-$10,000. It is important to research different clinics to find the best option for you.


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