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Monday, March 20, 2023

Advanced Hair Restoration: A Guide To The Latest Technology

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ARTAS 9x Medical Mall Tenant Offers Advanced Hair Restoration from

Understanding Advanced Hair Restoration

Advanced hair restoration is a term used to describe any procedure that is used to restore lost or thinning hair. Hair restoration is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. As the technology and techniques used in hair restoration continue to evolve, so does the level of sophistication and results. This guide will discuss the latest developments in advanced hair restoration, including what it is, how it works, and what benefits it provides.

What is Advanced Hair Restoration?

Advanced hair restoration is a type of hair restoration procedure that uses the latest technology and techniques to restore hair loss or thinning. This type of procedure can be used to restore natural or artificial hair, or to create a completely new look. It is a relatively new field of hair restoration, but it is quickly gaining in popularity due to its effectiveness and results. Advanced hair restoration typically involves the use of non-surgical techniques such as follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). These techniques are used to transplant healthy hair follicles from one area of the scalp to another, creating a fuller, healthier head of hair.

How Does Advanced Hair Restoration Work?

Advanced hair restoration typically involves the use of FUT or FUE. FUT, or follicular unit transplantation, is a surgical procedure in which healthy hair follicles from one area of the scalp are transplanted to another area. The procedure typically involves the use of a fine needle to extract healthy hair follicles from the donor site. These follicles are then transplanted to the recipient site, where they begin to grow new hair. FUE, or follicular unit extraction, is a non-surgical technique in which healthy hair follicles are extracted from the donor site using a machine. The follicles are then transplanted to the recipient site, where they begin to grow new hair.

What Are the Benefits of Advanced Hair Restoration?

The primary benefit of advanced hair restoration is that it can provide natural-looking results, often with minimal scarring and downtime. The procedure is also relatively quick and painless, and can be performed in the comfort of your own home. Additionally, the results of advanced hair restoration are typically permanent, meaning that you won’t need to worry about future hair loss or thinning. Finally, advanced hair restoration is typically more affordable than traditional hair transplant surgery.

What is the Cost of Advanced Hair Restoration?

The cost of advanced hair restoration varies depending on the type of procedure you choose and the extent of the hair loss or thinning. Generally, FUT procedures are more expensive than FUE procedures, but they can also provide more dramatic and long-lasting results. Additionally, the cost of advanced hair restoration can vary depending on the skill and experience of the surgeon, as well as the geographic location of the clinic. In general, advanced hair restoration can cost anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the specifics of the procedure.

Who is a Good Candidate for Advanced Hair Restoration?

Advanced hair restoration is a good option for anyone who is dealing with hair loss or thinning. The procedure can be used to restore natural or artificial hair, or to create a completely new look. Good candidates for advanced hair restoration should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. It is important to discuss your goals and concerns with your doctor before undergoing any type of hair restoration procedure.


Advanced hair restoration is a type of hair restoration procedure that uses the latest technology to restore lost or thinning hair. The procedure typically involves the use of FUT or FUE, and can provide natural-looking results with minimal scarring and downtime. The cost of advanced hair restoration varies depending on the type of procedure and the extent of the hair loss or thinning, but it is generally more affordable than traditional hair transplant surgery. Advanced hair restoration is a good option for anyone who is dealing with hair loss or thinning, but it is important to discuss your goals and concerns with your doctor before undergoing any type of hair restoration procedure.


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